GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Vernon Jones Files Amicus Brief in Lawsuit Against MLB


Vernon Jones, former state lawmaker and GOP candidate for Governor, filed a Amicus Brief in the Georgia lawsuit against Major League Baseball.

According to a tweet by Jones, the Brief is in support of a lawsuit filed by the Job Creators Network for damages lost in response to the decision to move the MLB All-Star Game from Atlanta. The MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred decided to pull the game because he claimed the new law restricted voting access.

“The Georgia Legislature has the exclusive power to enact laws and the Judicial Branch has the power to protect the people and ensure the constitutionality and legality of those laws. The MLB’s decision to pull the game out of Cobb County, betrayed that legal process, and caused significant harm to the very people it purportedly sought to support, small and minority businesses, along with their workers and employees,” Jones said in an emailed press release.

Corporations throughout the country listened to calls from Democratic lawmakers and criticized the law. However, supporters of the law detail that the new provisions actually expand the ability to vote throughout the state, while making the elections more secure.

Jones continued, “It is clear the MLB, Stacey Abrams, and the Biden Administration are playing politics at the expense of the citizens of Georgia. We must fight back against this injustice. I support this lawsuit and am proud to stand up for Georgians. It would be nice if Governor Kemp did the same. Sadly, it seems he is never around when the people of Georgia really need him.”

Jones has launched a GOP primary campaign against Governor Brian Kemp.

Kemp has faced sharp backlash from other Republicans and President Donald Trump over his handling of the November 2020 election. Many argue Kemp did not do enough to ensure a secure election.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].”
Photo “Vernon Jones” by Vernon Jones.




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